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Screened Relativistic (SR) Treatment for NIEL Dose

Nuclear and Electronic Stopping Power Calculator

(version 10.14)

Proton High AMS02 small

Incident Particle
Incident Particle:
Energy : [MeV]
Fluence : [cm-2]
Device Materials and Parameters
Emax : [MeV]
Device Thickness : [g cm-2]
Target Materials
Device Material Selection:
N° Elements:
Target Material Z Stoichiometric Index or Element Fraction
SEE Cross Section
Saturation cross section - A: [cm2/device]
LET Threshold - x0: [MeV cm2 mg-1]
Width parameter - PW:
Exponent - s:

Spectral number of SEE as a function of ionization energy deposited by recoil nuclei for a fluence of 1e15 protons/cm2 of 100 MeV in 10 μm of Si (2.33e-3 g cm-2):

  • Emax should be estimated by the user taking into account the effective size of the device. The default value Emax=25 MeV corresponds to the effective maximum ionizing energy deposited and absorbed from the recoil silicon nucleus (with a total range of about 9.5-10.0 μm in silicon medium) inside the device medium due to its finite size.
  • The sr-treatment has accuracy of about some percent at 50-200 keV/nucleon (see Sect 2.2.2 in [Leroy and Rancoita (2016)]).
  • The calculator provides both the total number of SEE due to recoil and the spectral recoil probability.
  • Example of target selection for single elements and compounds
    Selection for Protons in Silicon:

    Selection for Protons in GaAs:

    Selection for Protons in Water Liquid: