SR-NIEL–7 calculators for TNID doses of electrons, protons, ions and neutrons in elemental absorbes and compounds; SR-framework for electronic stopping powers, restricted energy-losses and TID doses; residual particle energy or fluence after traversing shielding materials; large energy deposition effects in devices – e.g., single event effects (SEE) and Weibull functional form – for unidirectionally and isotropically distributed particles; solar modulated spectra for ions with Z up to 28 at 1 AU and along mission orbits in deep space using HelMod-4 model; ASIF dedicated calculators

Available sr-niel calculators are listed grouped in sections:
- SR-NIEL Calculators and TNID doses
- Hardness Parameter Calculator
- SR Nuclear Stopping Power and Nuclear Recoil Probability
- Energy Partition Functions
- Electronic Stopping Power Calculators (and TID doses) for protons, ions and electrons; Radiative Stopping Power for electrons
- Restricted Energy-Loss (and TID doses) Calculators within SR-framework of electronic stopping power
- Residual Energy for mono-energetic or spectral distribution of protons, ions and electrons traversing shielding materials due to Electronic Stopping Power and - for electrons - additionally due to Radiative Stopping Power
- Effects due to a large energy deposition in devices (e.g., SEE) and cosmic rays fluences
- HelMod-4 cosmic rays fluences
- Fluence to Dose (TID and TNID) Converter dedicated to ASIF (ASI Supported Irradiation facilities)
- Particle Spectral Fluence
- Notes
SR-NIEL Calculators and TNID doses
for Single Particles:
- NIEL and dose calculator for electrons, protons and ions
- NIEL and dose Calculator for electrons, protons & ions using both Akkerman and Robinson Partition Functions
- NIEL and dose (NJOY based) Calculator in selected semiconductor materials for neutrons
- NIEL and dose calculator for neutrons using ASTM standards
- NIEL and dose (NJOY based) Calculator for neutrons using both Akkerman and Robinson Partition Functions
for Spectral Fluences:
- NIEL and dose calculator for spectral fluence of electrons, protons and ions
- NIEL and dose calculator for spectral fluence of electrons, protons and ions using both Akkerman and Robinson Partition Functions
- NIEL and dose (NJOY based) Calculator in selected semiconductor materials for Neutron Spectral Fluence
- NIEL and dose calculator for neutron spectral fluence using ASTM standards
- NIEL and dose (NJOY based) Calculator for Neutron Spectral Fluence using both Akkerman and Robinson Partition Functions
SR Nuclear Stopping Power and Nuclear Recoil Probability
for Single Particles:
for Spectral Fluences:
Electronic Stopping Power Calculators (and TID doses) for protons, ions and electrons; Radiative Stopping Power for electrons
for Single Particles:
- Electronic stopping powers, i.e., energy lost by incoming particles
for Spectral Fluences:
- Electronic stopping powers, i.e., energy lost by incoming particles
- Electronic stopping power calculator, ionizing dose converter for spectral fluence of protons and ions
- Electronic stopping power calculator with extension to high energies for spectral fluence of protons and ions; ionizing dose converter
- Electronic and Radiative stopping power calculator, ionizing dose converter for spectral fluence of electrons
Restricted Energy-Loss (and TID doses) Calculators within SR-framework of electronic stopping power
for Single Particles:
- Restricted energy loss, i.e., accounting for ionizing energy deposited by incoming particles
for Spectral Fluences:
- Restricted energy loss, i.e., accounting for ionizing energy deposited by incoming particles
Residual Energy for mono-energetic or spectral distribution of protons, ions and electrons traversing shielding materials due to Electronic Stopping Power and - for electrons - additionally due to Radiative Stopping Power
- Residual energies of unidirectional particles - impinging perpendicularly on the absorber front face - resulting from the passage in shielding materials
- Residual spectral fluences or residual energies of unidirectional protons and ions traversing shielding materials
- Residual spectral fluences or residual energies of unidirectional protons and ions traversing shielding materials with extension to high energies
- Residual spectral fluences or residual energies of unidirectional electrons traversing shielding materials
- Residual energies of isotropically distributed particles resulting from the passage in spherical shielding materials
- Residual spectral fluences or residual energies of isotropic protons and ions traversing spherical shielding mterials
- Residual spectral fluences or residual energies of isotropic protons and ions traversing spherical shielding materials with extension to high energies
- Residual spectral fluences or residual energies of isotropic electrons traversing spherical shielding materials
Effects due to a large energy deposition in devices (e.g., SEE) and cosmic rays fluences
for unidirectional particle impinging perpendidicularly on the device front face:
- Weibull Function
- Large energy depositions induced by particles impinging perpendiculalrly on the front face of a device or absorber
- Occurrence probability calculator of events due to a large energy deposition in devices, e.g., single event effects (SEE)
- Occurrence probability calculator of events due to a large energy deposition in devices, e.g., single event effects (SEE), for space missions and cosmic rays fluences at 1 AU from HelMod Model
- Large energy depositions induced by recoil nuclei generated by particles impinging perpendiculalrly on the front face of a device or absorber
for isotropically distributed inpinging particles:
- SEE cross section for isotropically distributed particles
- Modulated galactic cosmic rays spectral fluences from HelMod-4 Model at 1 AU
- Transfer Orbit Differential Fluence for Deep Space Missions from HelMod-4 Model
Fluence to Dose (TID and TNID) Converter dedicated to ASIF (ASI Supported Irradiation facilities)
for TNID Doses:
for TID Doses:
- Fluence to TID dose converter for protons and ions
- Fluence to TID dose converter for protons and ions with extension to high energies
- Fluence to TID dose determìnation using the restricted energy loss
- The TNID dose is the total non-ionizing energy loss (NIEL) dose.
- The TID dose is the total ionizing energy loss dose.
- SEE (Single Event Effect)
The data generated by using Calculators may be used by SR-NIEL developers for statistical purpose.